Polymeric stabilization of millimeter sized salt particles for a breakthrough heat battery 

Cellcius heath battery fits industry

Postdoctoral position

Polymeric stabilization of millimeter-sized salt particles
for a breakthrough heat battery


Fifty percent of our daily energy usage is in the form of thermal energy. In view of the energy challenges ahead of us, compact heat storage offers opportunities to bridge the mismatch between supply and demand of energy. Inorganic crystal hydrates have the potential to be used as storage media in heat batteries. Discharge happens via hydration reactions involving a phase transition of the crystal lattice due to water incorporation.

A heat battery consists of a packed bed of millimetre-sized salt hydrate tablets. The challenge is to further stabilize beds of these tablets as they undergo significant volume changes during (de)hydration cycles.


Project aim and description

You will develop millimeter sized composites consisting of a salt hydrate and stabilized with an organic (polymeric) skeleton or coating. To understand the impact of the stabilizer on the crystal hydrate, you will investigate the hydration/dehydration reactions of the composite particle: the cyclic stability and the (de)hydration kinetics with TGA-DSC. These newly developed composite particles will be tested in a particle bed representative for a real heat battery.


Our offer

We offer a 2 year position in a highly dynamic team that is working on the market introduction of a breakthrough heat battery. Your work is embedded in a cooperation of Eindhoven University of Technology TU/e- Department of Applied Physics, The Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research TNO and Cellcius B.V., the first spin-off company of both organizations that aims to bring the heat battery technology to application. Cellcius is presently teaming up with industrial partners to pilot first viable products in real life conditions. Cellcius is expecting to face a steep growth in the next two years in its first steps to enter the market.

We offer to experience the dynamics of a fast-growing team, bringing together science, technology and product development.

After successful completion of the 2 years project, a perspective of a fixed position in Cellcius exists.


Working location

You will work in the labs of TNO Materials Solutions, Cellcius and the group TPM(Transport in Permeable Media) of the Eindhoven University of Technology. In the latter group you will collaborate with 6 PhD's and postdoc, working on several aspects of thermochemical materials based on salt hydrates. The TNO labs offer a wide variety of chemical synthesis and characterization options. TPM has XRD, extensive TGA-DSC facilities, NMR imaging tools and good access to SEM. Cellcius has the tools to test developed materials on device level and validate in first product prototypes.



  • Do you dream of contributing to the energy transition?
  • Do you have a drive for making new materials?
  • Do you have a PhD degree in polymer-chemistry or material science?
  • Do you have experience with synthesis of hybrid organic/inorganic materials?
  • Do you want to combine academic research and product development?
  • Do you want to experience the dynamics of entrepreneurship and a boosting technology?


If so, you are the right candidate for this position.


Information & applications

More information can be obtained from:

Dr. H.P. Huinink
+31 40 2475375


You can send your application (including a cover letter, statement of research interests, a CV, and names of three references) by email to:

Prof. Olaf Adan, CEO Cellcius


Dr. H.P. Huinink

Cellcius BV


KVK 77882687

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